Monday, May 6, 2013

Final Meeting Protocol

(I had physical pass-outs of this,
but our printer ran out of toner.)

S E C O N D   L I F E
F i n a l  M e e t i n g  P r o t o c o l  D i g i t a l   M e d i a  I

OFFICIAL FINAL TIME : 10:15 AM -12:15 PM  .  MONDAY MAY 13. 10:15 AM.

By 10:15 AM . (Or extremely close) We shall meet in the sandbox that we've seen my avatar in. Most notably, during the workshop in class at the Dynamic Media Lab. I'll send invites. If your avatar is already there from earlier teleport, kudos! No need to go further. Just log in.

After the final physical class meeting, I will be volunteering to teleport those who are not already there to the location. Mostly, Fri and Sun (1-4) during final workshop times, I will be teleporting. I cannot send a teleport request to those offline. So be online if you wish to preemptively be there!

And by the way, since it is a final in the digital world, you may access from anywhere. Though do ensure your machine is up to speed. It will not be wise to miss the final meeting due to lack of planning on your part. Note our lab itself may be 'crowded'. Four main rules-

1. Keep the text based chat civil during conversation! Speak as you would in class.
2. The class is together in a location, please do not wander off.
3. Be with the final meeting until it is called off officially. Failure to remain in the final meeting for the duration (which should be no further than 40-45 minutes) is going to irk real life discrepancy from me. Not just avatar.
4. The sky is the limit. Your research and adventure into accessorizing your avatar will come into direct play in the meeting! Express yourself! Or rather, express the "person" who is not yourself.

MEETING OBJECTIVE  (after all 19 of us assemble in the coffee shop and area) :

Together, we will use basic white prims (boxes) or more to assemble a pop-up art gallery on the spot! I will hopefully have all of your .dae files to "install" Project 6s in the virtual world so we may all see. Think like we were installing these in the Sheppard gallery. How do they look?

Once the show is up and running to our liking, we'll just have a walk and chat
through our virtual space. We will further critique of project 6 "in the round"
while also being present as our project 7s. I will hope to take video documentation.

THEN SOME FAREWELL QUESTIONS, which are not limited to-

*What have you made art about in this class? (or) What do you want to make art about?
[Remember this was [one] of the very first questions I asked at the very start of the class.]

*What is the work you are most proud of that you made in the class? Why?

*What are separations and links between you and your fantasy self? How representative is it?

*Can you cite all 18 of your peers' names on the spot from memory? ... ...


Perhaps we can fly off into the virtual ocean, or something similar. 
After that, have an AWESOME BREAK.

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